What I Have is God’s to Use

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What I Have is God’s to Use

Mr Kwek Mean Luck, Chairperson of the Catholic Foundation, shares about his role and call to serve.

Since its conception in 2012, Mr Kwek Mean Luck has served as Chairperson of the Catholic Foundation. Though this was not an easy call, given the huge demands of work and family on his time, Mean Luck shares that he is in fact grateful for the opportunity to serve.

 “I was apprehensive at first. I had young children at the time, and with the demands of work, I had doubts about whether I could commit the time and effort required,” he explains.

But after much prayer and discernment, Mean Luck came to realise two important lessons.

“In prayer, I was reminded that my life, and what I have been given, is from God. It should be His to use.”

He elaborates, “As I reflected further, I also saw the urgent need for an organisation like the Catholic Foundation. Our Church has done and continues to do so much for society, not just for Catholics. But there is so much more that our Church can do, if we can come together, and provide it with the right resources.”

It was this realisation that spurred Mean Luck to work with the board, staff and volunteers to strengthen the work of the Catholic Foundation, so it can help to build up the Church.

He explains, “The archdiocese has organisations like Caritas Singapore and Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives, Singapore (CHARIS) to care for the social mission of the Church and to raise funds for it. But there were other aspects of the archdiocese that needed dedicated attention in the same way, and this was why the Catholic Foundation was established. We need to be guided by faith and good works.”

Mean Luck and his wife Vivienne are parishioners of St Mary of the Angels. They are blessed wonderfully with four children.

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