Using our gifts for worthy causes
Rebecca Lim and Rachel Lim, sisters aged 15 and 12 respectively, discovered a love for designing, creating and selling earrings....
Managing my Money as a Catholic
Having benefited from the God, Money & Me programme, Fransiska Novianti embraced the opportunity to serve as a group facilitator. She...
Serving wherever God Leads
Since baptism, Michael Tan has served in several Church ministries over the years. Now 80, he continues to live out his faith through...
Pondering the “Why’s” in our lives
Irish college student Áine Kirby, reflects on the importance of the reason behind everything we do. Do we do things to please others, or...
Re-energising my faith this Pentecost: Thank you for your support 2
In May 2023, Catholic Foundation organised a photo activity, “Re-Energising My Faith this Pentecost”, to encourage Catholics to re-ignite...
Praising God with song
Christopher Simm praises God with his voice through his role as the ministry coordinator for the youth worship ministry, New Wineskins.
Retired, but working for God and the Community
At the age of 14, Francis Lee learnt the importance of belonging to a Catholic community. Yet in the bustle of life, he found himself with o
Many Roles, One Heart for God
Peggy Lee currently serves in the Catholic Theological Institute of Singapore’s Alumni amongst other roles. She was deeply stirred to...
Mentoring the youths of the Church
Shaun Liu, who works at the Office for Young People (OYP), was a recipient of a Catholic Foundation scholarship to study theology....
Leaning on God’s strength
Amidst the challenges of serving, God desires the renewal of Clarissa’s heart as she serves Him as a teen catechist. Clarissa (second...
Taking active steps towards Christian Leadership
Gabriel Png helps with the planning of pastoral activities and faith formation in the parish as part of the Parish Pastoral Council in...
Stewarding my talents for the Church
Gabriel Koh was invited to provide his technological expertise full-time, after close to two years of volunteering at the Digital Church...
A Labour of Love
Joycelyn Tay, a homemaker and coordinator of the Floral Ministry at the Church of St Vincent de Paul, shares how she learnt about the...
Using my GIFT for God
Despite her busy schedule running her English enrichment company, Claudine Fernandez decided to offer her talents to serve in the music...
Christmas Wreaths of Love
This year, a group of self-professed flower-crazy ladies decided to embark on a simple project to spread the love and joy of Christ...
God never left me
Bryan Kojongian, a JC1/Year 5 student who will be taking his IB exams next year, experienced struggles in school that initially led him...